⭐️ After you have done your normal staking and installation of the Shine Your Signs, the next step on site will be to attach the LED Light Strands to the Globes.
⭐️ We highly recommend attaching LED Light Strands on site. If you attach the LED Light Strands before you are on site, there is a chance of the strands coming undone or loose during packing and transit.
⭐️ To attached your LED Light Strands, simply start at one end of the sign and weave your way through each Globe, pushing firmly to attach the LED Light Strands to the Globes in the back of your Yard Cards.
⭐️ You may have extra lights that do not get used depending on how many letters or numbers are in your sign. In that case. we recommend having some black electrical tape on hand to tape the lights up out of the way.
⭐️ LED Light Strands are waterproof and durable and can withstand all kinds of weather, including heavy rain and snow.
⭐️ Below is a how-to video attaching LED Light Strands, a how-to-video about using Electrical Tape, a how-to-video on using the black light strand bag, and a video of the final sign.